Year 7

Head of Transition

Mrs A Faulkner is Head of Year 7 and works closely with the feeder Primary Schools to ensure a smooth transition to Chipping Norton School. We work closely within school and with outside agencies to ensure the safety and wellbeing (safeguarding) of all students. 

Pastoral Lead

Pastoral Lead is Mrs Davis Batchelor

The Year 7 Team

Ms Bromley

Ms Pinfold,

Mrs Fisher,

Mr Hawkins- White

Mrs James

Mrs Preston

Mrs Tandy

Mrs Thomas

Mr White

Equipment List for school

  • Black pen – all exam boards now require students to write in black ink.
  • Green pen – to clearly show development and progress in work.
  • Calculator – available via the maths department.
  • Reading book
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Rubber
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Colouring pencils


Subject areas covered at CNS


In year 7 students should expect approximately 5 hours homework per week. All homework should be recorded on the Show My Homework website/app. Some departments will set larger project-type homework which may take longer. It is really important to get into good habits regarding homework in year 7. If your child does not have set homework, please encourage them to read their reading book and then complete the quizzes on Accelerated Reader.


Students sit the CAT tests in September – this enables the school to track students progress and provide the correct support for those students that need it.

Top Tips for Success

Communication with school is really important. Parents should contact their child’s tutor in the first instance; this can be via telephone or e-mail. There are several opportunities during the year to meet with tutors and teachers. Students will also receive a progress report and a subject report every year.

Organisation is also really important – please help and support your child by getting them to pack their bag the night before including their Homework (Learning folder), Pencil case and PE kit. Please label everything. We encourage all students in year 7 to get involved by joining one of the many varied extra time clubs. This provides a perfect opportunity to meet new friends with shared interests.


Why and how we set homework