July 2023 School Inspection

Chipping Norton School continues to be a good school. There is enough evidence of improved performance to suggest that the school could be judged outstanding if we were to carry out a graded (section 5) inspection now. The school’s next inspection will be a graded inspection.

2023 Inspection

Continues to be a Good school

November 2017 Full (graded) Inspection

Overall effectiveness


Effectiveness of leadership and management


Quality of teaching, learning and assessment


Personal development, behaviour and welfare


Outcomes for pupils


16 to 19 study programme 


Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school

  • The school has improved on all fronts. Senior leaders have addressed previous inadequacies with verve and vigour. Many aspects of the school’s work have transformed. The school is well placed to improve further in the future.
  • Leaders’ effective actions and teachers’ hard work have made sure teaching is now good overall. Through a well-designed curriculum that meets pupils’ needs, teachers challenge pupils effectively, often stretching and deepening their thinking.
  • Pupils make good progress across the majority of subjects. They learn intently and purposefully. Improvements in a number of subjects are impressive, especially in English.
  • Disadvantaged pupils’ achievement has risen and continues to improve.
  • Students in the sixth form achieve highly and sometimes exceptionally well, for example in mathematics. They act as excellent role models to younger pupils, contributing a great deal to the life of the school. Students behave impeccably.
  • The majority of pupils attend regularly, enjoy school, take pride in their work and behave well.
  • Pupils value the respectful, tolerant and caring ethos of the school, which helps them to thrive. Pupils’ personal development is a major strength of the school. Pupils rightly feel safe.
  • Teachers and leaders are held to account well, including through the highly effective work of the local governing body and the trust. Accountability focuses sharply on pupils’ achievement during key stage 4 and in the sixth form, less so on pupils’ progress during key stage 3.
  • While most subject leaders make a valuable contribution to improvements, a small number are less effective. Senior leaders are providing the support they need.

Variability in the quality of teaching and the rate of pupils’ progress remains in a minority of areas. Leaders are taking the right action to address these issues.

To read the full report please click here:


"Teachers are firmly focused on helping pupils achieve their best"