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School nurse
All secondary schools within Oxfordshire aim to have a named NHS School Health Nurse who is based in the school. The School Health Nurse service offers young people evidence-based preventative health care. Improving young people’s emotional and physical health can improve their wellbeing and life chances.
The School Health Nurse will work closely with teaching staff and pastoral support staff to provide support and assistance to students and aid them to make healthy lifestyle choices and reach their full potential.
Provision of information and advice for students and their parents/carers and the co-ordination of immunisations within school.
Year 8 HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) immunisations for girls.
Year 9 DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio) and Meningitis C vaccines for all students. MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) catch up with students that may not have had 2 MMR vaccines.
Flu vaccine
Drop in Support
Young people can access the school health nurse during the morning breaks and lunch breaks when the school nurse is in school. The dates are on the door, and available to the pastoral office
1-to-1 Support
Students can book appointments with the school health nurse for 1:1 support.
Small Group Work
Identified students may attend sessions of group work e.g. smoking cessation, self-esteem building and relaxation techniques.
Medication within School
The school health nurse can support students with their medications within the school, particularly with reference to emergency medications such as Epipen, insulin, epilepsy treatments and asthma inhalers.
The school health nurse also supports school teaching staff and provides training.
Support in the classroom and PSHCE.
Public Health Education
Themed health information and promotions for all school students e.g. smoking cessation, exam stress and healthy eating, using display boards, the rolling screen and assemblies.
How to refer to the School Health Nurse
Students can self-refer to the school health nurse:
- Make a request through the pastoral office
- Complete a slip located on her office door
- Attend a drop in at break or lunchtime on the days when the school nurse is in school.
Referrals can also come via teaching or pastoral staff; they have a referral form that can be completed and given to the school health nurse.
Contact Details
01608 642007 ext. 273 (School)
Dear Parents/Carers,
Please find the latest SHN newsletter which is now in SWAY format.
Your School Health Nurse for Chipping Norton school is Wendy Bull and their contact details are:
Email – [email protected]
Mobile – 07796 927093