Year 11

Key Stage Lead

Mrs Gannon is Head of Year 11.  In this crucial year, we work hard to ensure that all students have a positive attitude to learning and they are focussed on working hard in all lessons completing work to a high standard in preparation for the forthcoming exams. We work closely within school and with outside agencies to ensure the safety and wellbeing (safeguarding) of all students.

Pastoral Lead Y11

Senior Pastoral Lead is Mr Goodson and Mrs Lee

The Year 11 Team

Mrs Avery

Mr Blois

Ms Dunn

Ms Miles

Mr Newton

Mrs Nicholas

Ms Smith

Equipment List for school

  • Black pen – all exam boards now require students to write in black ink.
  • Green pen – to clearly show development and progress in work.
  • Calculator – available via the maths department.
  • Reading book
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Rubber
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Colouring pencils


We always aim to praise/reward students who perform well in all areas of school life. This may be in the form of a letter or postcard home, during celebration assemblies where we praise students for strong attendance, excellent academic attainment, positive behaviour and great effort in lessons. Of course the greatest reward of all for students is achieving outstanding outcomes in the forthcoming GCSE exams as this will have the potential to change lives and secure success in adult life.


Subject areas covered at CNS


All homework should be recorded on the Show My Homework website/app. Some departments will set larger project-type homework which may take longer. It is really important in Year 11 that all homework is completed on time for the required date. All homework set will be related to the forthcoming GCSE exams.


Students in Year 11 will take a number of multiple choice tests throughout the year across all subjects, to reinforce the crucial knowledge that they will require in the forthcoming GCSE exams. They will also sit rehearsal exams in November which will give students a feel for what to expect in May and it will also be a real indicator as to how students may perform in their GCSE exams.

Top Tips for Success

Communication with school is really important. Parents should contact their child’s tutor in the first instance; this should be via e-mail. There are several opportunities throughout the year to meet your child’s teachers. Year 11 parents and carers will be able to meet staff at the annual PTC and will also receive progress reports regarding their child during the year.

Organisation is also really important in this final GCSE year – please support your child by ensuring that they have a revision plan in place where short regular slots of revision are carried out early in the year. This will make a huge difference by the time that GCSE exams come around in May. Please also encourage your child to attend the after school clinics that take place. Students often tell us after the exams how important these clinics were in terms of filling small gaps in knowledge and picking up on some of those concepts in class that needed a little further explanation and clarification.


Why and how we set homework