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Careers Department
Careers Lead at CNS is Mr Parker.
Direct Telephone No: 01608 656892.
Email: [email protected]
CNS also employs the services of a Careers Adviser Mrs Knowles.
Direct Telephone No: 01608 656892.
Email: [email protected]
The Careers Office is based in D2, students can drop in during break and lunch time or book an appointment by using the noticeboard on the door of D2.
Parents and carers are always welcome to contact the Careers Lead, Mr Parker to seek advice and ask any questions they might have regarding careers pathways.
The Career Curriculum Roadmap illustrates how students at Chipping Norton School follow a comprehensive programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) and work-related learning (WRL).
All students at Chipping Norton School take part in careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) programme that:
- Aims to inspire as well as inform and guide students
- Is centred around the student and their needs
- Is integrated into the students’ experience of the whole curriculum
- Encourages all students to consider their career pathway throughout Key Stage 3, 4 & 5
- Encourages all students to develop decision making skills
- Provides each student with high quality, impartial advice and guidance
- Raises aspirations and promotes equality and diversity
The school is committed to fully delivering the 8 Gatsby benchmarks:
- Provide a stable careers programme.
- Provide learning from career and labour market information.
- ]Address the needs of each student.
- Link curriculum learning to careers.
- Provide useful encounters with employers.
- Provide experience of workplaces.
- Offer encounters with providers of further and higher education.
- Offer personalised careers guidance.
Careers provison by year group
Year 6 Transition days – Parent Questionnaire on careers support that they might be willing to offer to the school.
Year 7 Week A Tutor time programme – Everyone connected careers.
Year 7 Character Education lessons (Careers module) – Introduction to Unifrog Careers Software, Identifying interests, skills and strengths, Insight into employability skills.
Year 7 Tenner Challenge – Entrepreneurial project, students developing key employability skills (Confidence, Resilience, Problem Solving).
Year 8 Week A Tutor time programme – Everyone connected careers.
Year 8 Character Education lessons (Careers module) – Raising aspirations, Local labour market information, Careers terminology, Exploring subject links with potential careers.
Year 8 Citizenship Day – STEM Careers Day delivered in partnership with Science Oxford.
Year 9 Week A Tutor time programme – Everyone connected careers.
Year 9 Character Education lessons (Careers module) – Linking interests and skills with careers, Developing research and planning skills.
Year 9 Enterprise Day – The Human Library, Interactive event using volunteers from local businesses.
Year 9 Options evening – Opportunity for students and parents to discuss GCSE choices.
Year 9 Careers advice and guidance on option choices given by form tutors, subject teachers and the school’s Careers Adviser.
Year 9 Assemblies – Careers advice on GCSE Options.
Year 10 Week A Tutor time programme – Everyone connected careers.
Year 10 Work Experience week (Term 6).
Year 10 Assemblies – Apprenticeship advice from National Apprenticeship Service.
West Oxfordshire Learning Partnership of Schools (WOLP) Exploring Careers event hosted by Abingdon and Witney College (Term 2) – Enables students and parents to explore a wide range of career opportunities with local businesses and to attend talks on a range of sectors.
WOLP Apprenticeship recruitment event at The Marlborough School (Term 4).
Year 10 Week A Tutor time programme – Everyone connected careers.
Year 11 Assemblies – Post 16 choices, A’ Levels at CNS 6th Form.
Year 11 Assemblies – Post 16 choices, visiting speakers from college providers.
Year 11 Assemblies – Post 16 choices, visiting speakers Apprenticeships.
Year 11 Assemblies – National Citizenship Service.
1 to 1 Careers interview – Careers Adviser.
WOLP Exploring Careers event at Abingdon and Witney College (Term 2) – Enables students and parents to explore a wide range of career opportunities with local businesses and to attend talks on a range of sectors.
WOLP Apprenticeship recruitment event at The Marlborough School (Term 4).
CV / Personal Statement workshop – External business professionals.
Interview Challenge – External business community.
Post 18 Pathway Presentation – Range of professionals and academics.
Speaker period – Visiting speakers from a range of industry representatives.
Introduction to UCAS – Sixth Form team.
University open day – Visit to Oxford Brookes University and/or University of Gloucester.
Community Volunteering programme – Sixth Form team.
1 to 1 Careers interview – Careers Adviser.
Targeted Careers interest groups.
WOLP Exploring Careers event at Abingdon and Witney College (Term 2) – Enables students and parents to explore a wide range of career opportunities with local businesses and to attend talks on a range of sectors.
WOLP Apprenticeship recruitment event at The Marlborough School (Term 4).
UCAS support – Sixth Form team.
1 to 1 Careers interview – Careers Adviser.
Targeted Careers interest groups.
WOLP Exploring Careers event at Abingdon and Witney College (Term 2) – Enables students and parents to explore a wide range of career opportunities with local businesses and to attend talks on a range of sectors.
WOLP Apprenticeship recruitment event at The Marlborough School (Term 4).
Work Expereince
The dates for work experience for Year 10 for the academic year 2024-25 are 30th June to the 4th July 2025. This provides an opportunity for students to experience the world of work.
Mr Parker the school’s Careers Lead and Work Experience coordinator is available to help students’ identity the type of placement they would like to undertake and can also give advice on potential companies that students could apply to.
Recognising the importance of employability skills and work readiness all students in the sixth form are expected to undertake a work placement during any of their holidays. Students taking personal responsibility for finding the placement and researching their further education and career path is an important part of the process.
Mr. Parker is available to assist Sixth Form students in identifying and applying to work experience placements.
Careers Events
WOSCP Careers Convention at Witney College Wednesday 4th December 2024 5pm – 8pm.
WOSCP Apprenticeship Recruitment Fair at The Marlborough School Woodstock Thursday 13th March 2025 6pm – 8pm.
Apprenticeship Opportunities
An apprenticeship is a paid job where the employee learns and gains valuable experiences. Alongside on-the-job training, apprentices spend at least 20% of their working hours completing classroom-based learning with a college, university or training provider which leads to a nationally recognised qualification.
Find out how to become an apprentice, what apprenticeships are available and which employers offer them. www.apprenticeships.gov.uk/apprentices
Students can sign up for an apprenticeship account at the Government apprenticeship vacancy site. www.gov.uk/apply-apprenticeship
You can also find lots of information at: –
To see what sectors apprenticeships are available in at: –
T’ Levels
T’ Levels are an alternative to A’ levels, apprenticeships and other 16 to 19 courses. Equivalent in size to 3 A levels, a T’ Level focuses on vocational skills and can help students into skilled employment, higher study or apprenticeships.
Each T’ Level includes an in-depth industry placement that lasts at least 45 days. Students get valuable experience in the workplace; employers get early sight of the new talent in their industry.
T’ Level students spend 80% of the course in their learning environment, gaining the skills that employers need. The other 20% is a meaningful industry placement, where they put these skills into action.
To find out more about T’ Levels see resources below and look at local college websites for the courses available.
Vocational and Technical Qualifications
Please see links below to the most common colleges that our students apply to for Post 16 vocational and technical courses.
City of Oxford College – oxford.activatelearning.ac.uk
Banbury & Bicester College – banbury.activatelearning.ac.uk
Abingdon & Witney College – www.abingdon-witney.ac.uk
Stratford College – www.stratford.ac.uk
Moreton Morrell College – wcg.ac.uk/page/95/moreton-morrell-college
Hartpury College – www.hartpury.ac.uk
ACE Training – www.acetraining.co.uk
Labour Market Information (LMI)
Every student, and parents, should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities to help them make informed decisions about their future. Labour Market Information includes information on national and local labour markets and includes vital labour market intelligence on emerging jobs and sectors, salaries and trends and those jobs at greater risk of automation. Employer talks and engagement with school can also provide vital labour market information for students and their career aspirations. The following resources are useful points of reference, and the data is supported and updated regularly by the government’s database LMI for all.
Unifrog Careers software
Unifrog is designed to support learners in making the most informed decisions about their futures and has a range of tools that are suitable for all year groups. Each student has their own personal account that provides a wide range of information related to their interests and aspirations.
Key features of the platform include:
- Exploring Pathways – personality quizzes, career and subject profiles
- Recording – self-reflection about extracurricular activities and key employability skills
- Opportunities – search tools showing live vacancies/courses/placements for apprenticeships, universities (in the UK), FE, and much more
- Applications – tools to help students build applications for a range of pathways (e.g., CVs and personal statements)
Employer links
At CNS we are well supported by both local and national employers but we are always open to forge new links with businesses. If you are an employer and would like to support our school with its careers programme, please contact the Careers Lead: Mr. Simon Parker [email protected]
We are always looking for support with work shadowing, work experience, mentoring, workplace visits, Interview challenge, Human Library to name but a few activities.
Careers information on-line
Resources, support and list of apprenticeship opportunities.
Helps young people develop the skills they need to succeed in future careers.
Useful careers information provided by Oxfordshire County Council for young people aged 8 – 19, including job and apprenticeship vacancies in Oxfordshire.
Aimed at people of all ages, this website will help you get the advice you need for future skills, careers, and work and life choices. There is a helpline available too: 0800 100 900 that will call you back if on a mobile.
Website for school and college leavers that lists apprenticeship and employment opportunities
Explore your career options and see where your degree could take you.
Useful careers information provided by Oxfordshire County Council for young people aged 8 – 19, including job and apprenticeship vacancies in Oxfordshire.
Explore careers, get the lowdown on top employers and search for jobs, courses and advice.
Helping Your Child Begin Their Career Journey
A handy guide for Parents and carers to help your child to begin their career journey.
Help and advice on a range of study and careers questions.
Lots of useful information from employers. Find out what skills and qualities employers are looking for, get ideas on how to develop and demonstrate your skills, and learn how to impress at interview.
The website for researching university courses, entry requirements, writing personal statements and more. Now also includes information on options after GCSEs.
Local and national Apprenticeships and Traineeships, including a search facility for finding Apprenticeship opportunities to match your needs.
Provides great guidance on what you can do with specific University courses.
Many information and careers resources for young people including information about options at key stages, applying to college and university, taking a GAP year, studying abroad, writing a CV and preparing for interviews and finding work or an apprenticeship.
Target careers is here to help school leavers make decisions about their future. Explore options for careers, university or apprenticeships and get help applying successfully.
At AllAboutSchoolLeavers, our mission is clear: we help school leavers get jobs and understand the career paths available to them. Here, you’ll find information on the different levels of apprenticeship—Intermediate, Advanced, Higher and Degree—as well as the latest school leaver job news and advice to help guide you on your career journey.
Find out what a job involves and if it’s right for you. Explore by job category.
Career ideas and information for your future.
Take a closer look at selected subjects and issues, with a selection of videos, guides and advice.
What skills do you put on your CV if you’ve never had a job before? How do you work out what skills you can offer when you’ve never worked? Read on to find out…
Careersbox is the national careers film library, a free careers resource showing hundreds of real people doing real jobs.
Find Your Future, OxLEP’s online careers platform for young people, schools/colleges and parents/carers is now available to access. You can find information and inspiration about your future under one ‘virtual roof’.
The Apprenticeship Ambassador Network is the movement championing apprenticeships to raise awareness and increase engagement to meet the needs of employers, communities, and individuals across the country.
Whether you’re looking for a career change, or you’re just starting out – Careermap have something for you. You can find apprenticeships, graduate schemes and professional jobs that will give you the kick start you need to thrive in the industry of your choice.
Future-talent.com is a careers board helping to connect school and college leavers with the organisations looking to hire apprentices.
“The Parent Perspective” is an exciting podcast series for parents and carers, helping them to support their children with careers advice and guidance.
Bite-sized virtual work experience programs that give students a genuine career advantage with Fortune 500 companies.
Founded in 2010 by ITV’s Political Editor Robert Peston, aim is to end educational inequality by giving all young people access to the same prestigious networks available to the top fee-paying schools in the UK. Through talks from today’s influential figures via our Inspiration programme, our Experience work experience programme linking state school students to industry-leading companies and networked support partners we are helping level the playing field for young people of all backgrounds.
Welcome to Springpod. We help you take control of your future by enabling you to gain experience with top employers & universities for free.
Take part in Virtual Work Experiences, gain skills and meet employers.
Whatever job you’re interested in, there’s a Virtual Work Experience for you, from attending a live surgery, to designing a lunar landing module.
The WVPC aims to increase the progression of adults and young people to higher level study through providing online, impartial information and support about all progression routes.
A university graduate’s guide to boosting career prospects