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Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium Grant is used to support Free School Meal (FSM) students, Forces children, Students in the ‘Looked After’ system, those adopted from care and students who have been in receipt of free school meals over the last 6 years.
The funding is used to ensure that those students have the opportunity and support to achieve their full academic potential. That support is provided in a variety of ways: Ensuring quality teaching and learning in the classroom; personal mentoring; provision of additional resources; additional tuition; support for social; emotional and behavioural aspects of learning; and support for other aspects of school life, to ensure that students can take a full and active part in the school community and enjoy the same opportunities as all pupils.
The documents below indicate how we plan to spend the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) this year and how we spent it last year. We review the spending of the PPG to ensure that it has the impact we want it to.