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Understanding & Collecting Examination Results

At Chipping Norton School we are committed to ensuring that candidates are fully briefed on the assessment process in place and are made aware of the required JCQ awarding body instructions and information for candidates.

Public examinations can be a stressful time for students and parents/carers, and we recognise it’s important that all those involved are well informed.

We are fortunate to have practised for full exams during our Autumn and Spring mock seasons and that teachers have had the opportunity to provide valuable feedback to students. Hopefully, this has proved informative and helpful for you and your parents and carers.

The JCQ and awarding bodies have set down criteria which must be followed for the conduct of exams and Chipping Norton School is required to follow these.

Some of the questions you may have about exams may not be answered here. If there is anything you do not understand or any questions that have not been addressed, please ask.

If you, your parents or carers have any queries or need help or advice at any time before, during or after the exam period, please contact:
Exams Officer – Mrs Lawson
Email: [email protected]

The purpose of this information is:

  • To ensure students are provided with all relevant information about how their grades will be awarded
  • To ensure relevant JCQ information for students is passed on and
  • To answer any questions students may have.


If you’d like to request an exam paper review this is called Enquiries about results’ (EAR) services, you’ll need to speak to the Exams Officer, who will ask the Exam board to review the marking of your question paper on your behalf.

Any request for a review must be accompanied by a consent form signed by the candidate.

A cost will be incurred for this service. Please speak to the Exams Officer for more information.


Certificates for the summer exams will be available in November/December.

We will send you a reminder nearer the time to invite you to collect your certificates.

Students will need to collect and sign for their certificates in person or provide written permission for a member of their family to collect the certificates. If someone else collects certificates on your behalf they will need to bring identification with them.

We are not required to keep certificates for longer than a year, any uncollected certificates may be destroyed. Copies can be obtained from the relevant exam boards at a cost.


A Level

Exam FAQs

If you have a question, or are wondering what to do next, please read the FAQs below, these answer the queries I receive most frequently before and on results day. 


A Level Results

GCSE Results

Links to exam boards

Additional information for parents and carers

We have linked some of the parent guides which we’ve found useful for parents in the past.  Our UCAS link, links straight to the parent page before you delve into the world of clearing or accepting places.

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