A- Level results 15 August 2024
GCSE results 22 August 2024
A- Level results 15 August 2024
GCSE results 22 August 2024
Home » Our School » Exam results and performance data » Understanding & Collecting Examination Results
At Chipping Norton School we are committed to ensuring that candidates are fully briefed on the assessment process in place and are made aware of the required JCQ awarding body instructions and information for candidates.
Public examinations can be a stressful time for students and parents/carers, and we recognise it’s important that all those involved are well informed.
We are fortunate to have practised for full exams during our Autumn and Spring mock seasons and that teachers have had the opportunity to provide valuable feedback to students. Hopefully, this has proved informative and helpful for you and your parents and carers.
The JCQ and awarding bodies have set down criteria which must be followed for the conduct of exams and Chipping Norton School is required to follow these.
Some of the questions you may have about exams may not be answered here. If there is anything you do not understand or any questions that have not been addressed, please ask.
If you, your parents or carers have any queries or need help or advice at any time before, during or after the exam period, please contact:
Exams Officer – Mrs Lawson
Email: [email protected]
The purpose of this information is:
If you’d like to request an exam paper review this is called Enquiries about results’ (EAR) services, you’ll need to speak to the Exams Officer, who will ask the Exam board to review the marking of your question paper on your behalf.
Any request for a review must be accompanied by a consent form signed by the candidate.
A cost will be incurred for this service. Please speak to the Exams Officer for more information.
Certificates for the summer exams will be available in November/December.
We will send you a reminder nearer the time to invite you to collect your certificates.
Students will need to collect and sign for their certificates in person or provide written permission for a member of their family to collect the certificates. If someone else collects certificates on your behalf they will need to bring identification with them.
We are not required to keep certificates for longer than a year, any uncollected certificates may be destroyed. Copies can be obtained from the relevant exam boards at a cost.
18 July 2024
Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
RE: A Level Results Day – Thursday 17th August
As we come to the end of the school year, we wanted to ensure that you have all the information at your fingertips for the A Level Results Day.
All students are invited to collect their results in person between 9.00 and 10.00 on Results Day. It is always a special moment to share and celebrate together and it would be great to see you there. However, for those who are unable to collect their results in person or prefer to have them emailed, we will send results to all students after 10.00am, we will email parents and carers a copy of your results at the same time, and they should have arrived in inboxes by 12 noon. If you haven’t received a copy please contact Mrs Lawson [email protected]
We pride ourselves on providing the very best advice and guidance possible on the results days and with this in mind please see below the contact points available to you.
Support on the Day
Please state whether you would like a telephone call (please provide the contact number in the email) or face to face appointment in school.
Appointments will be available from 11.00 to 15.00.
Please state whether you would like a telephone call (please provide the contact number in the email) or face to face appointment in school.
Appointments will be available from 11.00 to 15.00.
If you are unsure who you need to see to discuss your options, then please email Mrs Davison (Assistant Head of Sixth Form) [email protected] as soon as possible and she will direct you to the right person.
Review of Marking
The process of appealing grades with exam boards is called a review of marking.
Exam boards have asked that only those students in Year 13 who need to appeal a grade as a matter of priority (because their university place is dependent on it) do so before September.
Please note that exam boards do not re-mark your work, they simply check the calculations are correct (the adding up of your marks up has been done correctly etc.), and check the marking criteria has been applied fairly by the examiner who marked your paper. During any review of marking, results could go up or down or stay the same. You will not keep the higher of the grades, if your grade goes down, and an appeal cannot be withdrawn once a decision has been made.
If you wish to apply and pay for a review of marking, you can complete the paperwork and pay the associated fees now, however if you are accepted into university on the grades you have achieved, we will not submit your application until we return to school in September.
If you are considering a review of marking, please visit our website for all the information regarding this. If you need any help, or guidance, after you have all the details from the Website , please email Mrs Lawson (Exams Officer). [email protected]
Collecting your certificates
We will receive certificates from the Examination Boards by the middle of November. As it is a requirement that we obtain a signature when issuing them, it would be appreciated if you would arrange for these to be collected at that time. Parents and carers may collect certificates on your behalf but must bring a form of identification with them.
We wish all students well and hope that you enjoy a well-earned summer break and wish you all the best on the next stage of your adventures.
Yours faithfully
Alan Trainer
Deputy Headteacher
Tammy Lawson
Examinations Officer
Peter Ward
Head of Sixth Form
If you have a question, or are wondering what to do next, please read the FAQs below, these answer the queries I receive most frequently before and on results day.
All students will receive their results via email after 10.00am. These will be sent to students’ school gmail accounts and the parental email we hold on the system. As the system takes a while to process emails they may not land at 10.00am exactly, if you haven’t received an email with your results by 12 noon please email Mrs Lawson (Exams Officer) [email protected]
We will email results to all students around 10.00 am, please bear in mind the system emails results one at a time, so there may be a delay in receipt. (For instance, you may receive yours at 10.05 am and your friend at 10.47 am.)
We will also email the results of all students to your parent or guardian after results have been sent to students.
Emails will go to your Chipping Norton School email address, and your parent or guardian will receive their email on the address the system holds for them.
If you have checked these email inboxes, please email and let us know.
The school will be open between 9.00 am and 10.00 am on Thursday 15 August for in-person collection of A level results and between 9.00 am and 10.00 am on Thursday 22 August for in-person collection of GCSE results.
We will also email your results to your school email address and to your parent or guardian after 10.00 am.
Yes, if you let us know in advance, a parent or guardian may collect your results for you, they will need to bring photo ID, and you must remember to tell us in advance who they are.
When you appeal your grade, an examiner checks that the marks were awarded reasonably and fairly for each question, they do not remark your paper.
We do not recommend you ask for an appeal if you are not within a couple of marks of the next grade boundary as your grade can go down as well as up, and once an appeal has been decided you cannot withdraw it.
We can request your script, unless you want to see your script before asking for an appeal, this may not be in school until September.
We can request a priority copy of your script, to help you decide whether an appeal is necessary.
Contact Mrs Davison, who can organise an appointment with someone today. You can also access clearing, via the link on our website, or by calling the offering university and asking their advice.
Be aware that if you decline a place at university, to search through clearing for something different, or whilst you are awaiting an appeal, the university may release your accommodation.
In some circumstances, depending on the marks you achieve, it can be worth appealing your grade with the exam board. We only recommend this when you are within a couple of marks of the grade boundary as your marks can go down as well as up, and this could reduce your grade.
If you would like to make any appointments please contact Mrs Davison. Mr Ward and Mrs Lawson will be available for appointments from 10.30, following the on site collection period.
If you achieved better grades than you expected you may decide to look for a different course, be aware that if you decline a place at university, they will release your accommodation.
Make sure you speak to the university first.
If you achieved a grade 3 or lower in maths and/or English you will need to speak to someone at school, or your college placement. Without a grade 4 in maths and/or English, you will need to keep studying these subjects until you’re 18. The type of study depends on what grade you got, and what course you want to do at college, or subjects you would like to study at sixth form.
Contact the school or college you would like to attend, as they are able to advise you. Sometimes you will be able to do retakes at the same time as starting A levels so it’s certainly worth checking. If you were due to start an apprenticeship, contact the provider to see if you will still be able to start, or if you’ll need to achieve the required results beforehand.
Maths and English GCSE are the only resits you can do in November, and you must be over 16 years of age.
You may be able to attend sixth form; either by changing your options, or speaking with the head of subject, if you are awaiting the results of an appeal. You will need to contact Mrs Davison in the first instance.
Mr Ward will be available for appointments from 10.15am on results day, following the on site collection period. He will be available in the collection hall with other members of staff to congratulate students prior to this, specific questions will need to be addressed in your appointment.
We have linked some of the parent guides which we’ve found useful for parents in the past. Our UCAS link, links straight to the parent page before you delve into the world of clearing or accepting places.
Barry Doherty
Chipping Norton School
Burford Road,
Chipping Norton
River Learning Trust
An exempt charity and company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales with a registered company number 7966500.
Registered Office is c/o Gosford Hill School, Oxford Road, Kidlington, Oxfordshire OX5 2NT
© Copyright 2024 Chipping Norton School
Schools framework by Looping Curl
All students will receive their results via email after 10.00am. These will be sent to students’ school gmail accounts and the parental email we hold on the system. As the system takes a while to process emails they may not land at 10.00am exactly, if you haven’t received an email with your results by 12 noon please email Mrs Lawson (Exams Officer) [email protected]
We will email results to all students around 10.00 am, please bear in mind the system emails results one at a time, so there may be a delay in receipt. (For instance, you may receive yours at 10.05 am and your friend at 10.47 am.)
We will also email the results of all students to your parent or guardian after results have been sent to students.
Emails will go to your Chipping Norton School email address, and your parent or guardian will receive their email on the address the system holds for them.
If you have checked these email inboxes, please email and let us know.
The school will be open between 9.00 am and 10.00 am on Thursday 15 August for in-person collection of A level results and between 9.00 am and 10.00 am on Thursday 22 August for in-person collection of GCSE results.
We will also email your results to your school email address and to your parent or guardian after 10.00 am.
Yes, if you let us know in advance, a parent or guardian may collect your results for you, they will need to bring a photo ID, and you must remember to tell us in advance who they are.
We can request a priority copy of your script to help you decide whether an appeal is necessary.
Contact Mrs Davison, who can organise an appointment with someone today. Sometimes, depending on the marks you achieved, it can be worth appealing your grade with the exam board. We only recommend this when you are within a couple of marks of the grade boundary, as your marks can go down as well as up, and this could reduce your grade.
You can also access clearing via the link on our website, and call the offering university and ask for their advice.
Be aware that if you decline a place at university, to search through clearing for something different, or whilst you are awaiting an appeal, the university may release your accommodation.
If you achieved better grades than you expected you may decide to look for a different course, be aware that if you decline a place at university, they will release your accommodation.
Make sure you speak to the university first.
When you appeal your grade, an examiner checks that the marks were awarded reasonably and fairly for each question, they do not remark your paper.
If you are within a couple of marks of a grade boundary, it may be worth asking the examination board to check this has been done, and that there are no clerical errors, for example adding up the marks.
We do not recommend you ask for an appeal if you are not within a couple of marks of the next grade boundary as your grade can go down as well as up, and once an appeal has been decided you cannot withdraw it.
We can request a priority copy of your script to help you decide whether an appeal is necessary.
We can request your script unless you want to see your script before asking for an appeal, this may not be in school until September.
Contact Mrs Davison, who can organise an appointment with someone today. Sometimes, depending on the marks you achieved, it can be worth appealing your grade with the exam board. We only recommend this when you are within a couple of marks of the grade boundary, as your marks can go down as well as up, and this could reduce your grade.
You can also access clearing via the link on our website, and call the offering university and ask for their advice.
Be aware that if you decline a place at university, to search through clearing for something different, or whilst you are awaiting an appeal, the university may release your accommodation.
If you achieved better grades than you expected you may decide to look for a different course, be aware that if you decline a place at university, they will release your accommodation.
Make sure you speak to the university first.