
The Art Department has a clear vision to create independent, creative minds. Our aim is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which allows students to develop both their practical skills and conceptual understanding.

The Staff Team

Mrs C James is passionate about motivating young people to develop a sense of creativity, inspiring them to see the world in different ways and encouraging them to experiment and explore how artwork can be created. I studied at Surrey Institute of Art to gain a degree in 3 Dimensional Design specialising in Metalwork and Silversmithing. Then went on to train to teach at Westminster College as part of Oxford University. I have over 24 years of experience teaching Art in North Oxfordshire secondary schools and feel I have the best job in the world. I love to continue to learn about and experiment with new artistic methods and processes as well as visiting galleries and exhibitions.

Miss L Dunn has over 7 years of experience teaching Art in the Oxford area and Coventry. She specialised in Illustration at University and carried on to do a Master’s in Visual Communication.

We are privileged to have three dedicated art rooms, one of which is a designated studio space for A-level Art students. We have a kiln and print press as part of the facilities, as well as drawing and painting equipment.

The Curriculum

Curriculum Roadmap

Click the image for a PDF

Key Stage 3

Year 7
An introduction to basic technical skills; the themes change but the disciplines covered are:

  • Drawing; exploring tones, mark making and observation
  • Painting; exploring colour theory, mixing and texture
  • Printing; exploring mono printing, collagraph and poly block
  • 3D; exploring various materials, methods and processes

Year 8
Expanding upon skills learnt in Year 7, alongside the development of critical studies and conceptual thinking.
The theme is “Identity” and topics covered are:

  • Portraiture; learning about proportions and expression
  • Symbolism; learning how meaning is conveyed within Art
  • Identity (masks); learning about other cultures, experimenting with materials and processes

Year 9
Skills are developed towards GCSE expectations.
The theme changes, topics covered are:


  • Critical studies; researching and responding to Artists
  • Observational drawing; drawing from primary resources
  • Experimentation of media; learning how to use various media and recognising the purpose involved in selecting media
  • Final outcomes; developing an idea into a final piece of Art work

Key Stage 4

GCSE Art is run over a 2 year course including 2 coursework units and an externally set exam unit. Coursework is broken into two themes which change biannually. Students are marked according to 4 assessment objectives for both coursework and examination, these are:

  • Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding.
  • Refine their ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes.
  • Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other forms.
  • Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding realising intentions and, where appropriate, making connections between visual, written, oral or other elements.

Final grades are marked on a ratio of 60:40

60% coursework – 40% examination

Examination Board – Edexcel

Students also visit Galleries and Museums to support their learning and we invite professional artists into school to run workshops with our GCSE students.

Key Stage 5 (A Level)

Fine Art A-level is an exciting two-year course in which students have the opportunity to develop skills in contextual studies, drawing, painting and printmaking. Students will also have the opportunity to expand their knowledge of how to realise and refine their art work to create highly successful pieces. Many of our students go on to study art post-18, either through art foundation courses or BA degree programmes. Oxford Brookes university now routinely offers placements for our students to work on and refine their portfolio in readiness for applying to all tertiary courses. Students are invited to attend the art residential trip, held annually. This year our Y12s and Y13s enjoyed a weekend in Amsterdam. Destinations vary and in previous years have included Florence and Paris. 

  • Develop their ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical.
  • Experiment with and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining their ideas as their work develops.
  • Record in visual and/or other forms ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, demonstrating an ability to reflect on work and progress.
  • Realise a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating critical understanding, realising intentions and, where appropriate, making connections between visual, oral or other elements.

A level – coursework is made up of one unit which is a personal study of the student’s choice, including a 3000 word essay. Students are assessed for both coursework and Externally Set Task.

Final Grades are marked: 60% coursework – 40% examination

Examination Board – Edex AQA