Dear Parents and Carers
Congratulations to our year 11s who enjoyed their prom last night at the Cotswolds Hotel. It was a fitting end to their GCSE years and our thanks to those staff and students who organised such a memorable and successful evening. Please look out for more images in the end of term CNS Newsletter.
School Uniform in the Final Days of Term
The weather forecast is looking really warm for the final few weeks of term. With this in mind, starting Monday 11 July through to the end of term, students are permitted to wear their PE kits to school each day. We understand that few students will have lots of spare kit and therefore plain short-sleeved and round neck t-shirts may be worn instead – particularly as a spare when they have PE… We shall be urging students to stay hydrated and they can easily top-up their bottles at our two water fountains, or from the key stage 3 or key stage 4 dining areas.
Nearly New Uniform Update
You may recall that I wrote to you earlier this year regarding a PTA led initiative to gather and distribute pre-loved uniform. Commencing Monday 11 July, if you would like to purchase one or more of the items then please contact Mrs Budd (Family Support Worker). Please do not dispose of any school uniform and look out for details of our next collection.
Design & Technology – Resistant Materials
In recent weeks, I have enjoyed an opportunity to share the creative output of our students in art & design textiles, food technology and now, today, design & technology. Families will be aware of our outstanding facilities and we very much hope to see a major growth in the numbers of students opting to study resistant materials, textiles and food technology.
An inspiration to all our students is Elizabeth Ledgard-Hoile (year 13), who was recently offered a place on the prestigious degree apprenticeship with Dyson, at their Institute of Engineering & Technology. Elizabeth’s interest in design & technology began in year 7 and she has since studied resistant materials at GCSE and product design at A level. She used her initiative to secure a work experience placement with Abbott (pharmaceuticals and engineering) in year 10, and Owen Mumford and Diamond Light in year 12 – in between, Elizabeth took part in a Dyson workshop that took place at CNS. Her talent, interest and passion for the subject, alongside her determination to gain relevant experience, helped her overcome a field of over one thousand applicants and will now join a select group of engineering degree apprentices who will lead the next generation of British designers and engineers.
We hope that our STEM Day with years 8s may also provide a similar spark for students who will then become fascinated by the world of problem solving, designing and manufacturing.
On the final page, you can see a small section of the work of our year 11s. Mr Newton (head of department) writes, “The design & technology department is very proud of the achievements and commitment from students this year, within all areas of technology including textiles and food preparation & nutrition. This week we are pleased to share a range of products from GCSE & A level students which have been designed and manufactured using a range of skills, showing a wide range of creativity and flair.”
Sports Day Update – Monday 18 July 2022
We are building up to the big day throughout next week, with students signing up to a range of track and field events. Throughout the day, our sixth formers will also be running sports themed fun activities to ensure we create a really memorable day. In the last half hour, we shall gather on the sunken hockey pitch to announce the winner of the annual house competition and also distribute special prizes and thanks to our students. Please follow us on Facebook as we try our best to bring you a taste of the day’s atmosphere.
ACE Day – Tuesday 19 July 2022
The penultimate day of term is our alternate curriculum experience – which will mean different things to different year groups. For instance, the year 7s will be setting off to LEGOLAND for the day, years 8 and 9 have a combined Chippy Theatre and inflatable fun day, with the year 10s taking part in an army action day…
Celebration Assemblies – Wednesday 20 July 2022
The final day of term will be devoted to our celebration assemblies that draw attention to our gold scorecard winners, but also an opportunity for tutors and teachers to nominate character awards to a wide range of students whose compassion, courage, creativity or curiosity has made them stand out this year. Congratulations to those students in advance! Next year we shall be resuming invitations to parents and carers to attend our celebration assemblies and offer you the chance to see our new school hall.
Finals Day and Farewells
Wednesday is also the final day of term and school will end at 12:20pm, with buses leaving shortly afterwards. On that day, we shall be saying farewell to a number of colleagues who shall be greatly missed. Mrs O’Brien is retiring after fifteen years as a pastoral leader, whilst Dr Pattison (biology) and Mrs Rootham (English) are relocating. In addition, Mrs Deans (mathematics) will also be leaving and Ms Allen (former student and laboratory technician) will be ‘off to university’, having successfully completed her related apprenticeship. They will all be greatly missed and very fondly remembered by many, many students and staff. Needless to say that we shall be welcoming some new staff in September. It seems sensible to wait until then to introduce them to you.
I intend to write to you one last time this academic year and will do on in the final week of term. Until then, I hope your summer break plans take shape and that we all enjoy the final days of the school year with plenty of things to look forward to yet!
Yours faithfully
Barry Doherty