Dear Parents and Carers
On Tuesday, I watched as one of our site team loaded three large boxes on a trolley and remarked that we had received this year’s delivery of the Santa hats… I thought he was joking at first and then remembered that it is that time of year when Mr Thomas and the PE team begin organising the annual Santa Fun Run in aid of local charities. Meanwhile, our big Christmas tree is going up in the hall later next week (and thank you to Applegarth Nursery for their kind donation), whilst Mr Shadbolt (site manager) is getting ready to decorate the main entrance for key stage 3 with lights and Christmas music.
It is a great time of year when students are well and truly into their studies but can also sense the Christmas break is approaching in just over three weeks’ time (we break up on Tuesday 20 December at 12:30pm). There are many lessons and homework activities to complete before then, not to mention a World Cup to win, but it is extremely encouraging to note all of the additional activities taking place in the final four weeks of this term…
CNS Next Generation
On Tuesday, the English Department hosted an AIM event (able, interested and motivated) for children in years 4 and 5 across the Chipping Norton Partnership of Schools (CNPS). On Wednesday our year 12 sports leaders hosted the year 5/6 Ball Skills Festival – bringing over one hundred children to CNS from across our partner primary schools.
Curry & Quiz Night
Meanwhile, last night, Mr Robinson organising a curry and quiz night in our main hall with / between staff and sixth formers. The event was catered by Café Le Raj and was won by… a team of very talented sixth formers.
Visits to Historic Cologne
Over two consecutive weekends (owing to huge demand) there will be two separate parties heading off to the beautiful German city of Cologne. Their two-night stay will include a tour of the city and its Christmas markets, and a visit to both an ice rink and a famous chocolate museum. I cannot overstate how much time it takes to organise one of these visits and therefore wish to express thanks to Mrs Thomas and her team for doing so, and enabling dozens of students to have a wonderful pre-Christmas experience that will live long in their memory.
House Competitions and Celebration Events
In school, all of the house competitions (rugby and hockey) will be taking place from Monday 12 December. Weather permitting, this is an important competitive event on the PE calendar that also feeds into the overall house competition that runs throughout the year. The Santa Fun Runs will be taking place one week earlier to ensure the students are warmed-up for these matches! All of this will culminate in our celebration assemblies on the penultimate day of term, that will be taking place throughout the day of Monday 19 December. Our chance to celebrate all types of success and achievements amongst our students with their tutors and staff.
Matilda -The Musical
And all of this ahead of the run of Matilda – The Musical that begins next Thursday, through to Saturday. I have my tickets booked and cannot wait to see both the amazing production but also observe us fully restoring the normal rhythms and activities of school life after such a disrupted few years. I shall use a later letter to thank those colleagues who have given up so much time since September to bring the show to the stage.
Reporting to Parents
Teaching staff are currently entering data on each student ahead of the end of term reports that will be issued in a few weeks’ time. With the exception of year 11 and year 13 reports (that will include information on mock examination performance), we shall let you know of any concerns regarding your children’s classwork and homework. This means that it is the time of the term when you are most likely to receive contact from individual teachers to outline any concerns and work with you to secure improvements. As you will routinely hear from me, please do not wait until a report or a PTC to speak to a member of staff if you have any concerns.
Many thanks for your continued support, encouragement and partnership. We look forward to seeing many of you next week to see Matilda!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Yours faithfully
Barry Doherty