Dear Parents and Carers
Open Evening
We had a really great turnout for our open evening last Thursday night. As you can imagine, there is a fair bit to organise and get right for the night. We were thrilled by the number of students who volunteered as guides and helpers in all of our departments – close to four hundred came back and Mrs De Bruyn has led thank you assemblies throughout the week – and provided an edible token of our appreciation. Your children and my colleagues convey the school’s strengths and ethos better than any brochure or presentation. Thank you to everyone involved.
Welcome to Key Stage Four – Together, We’ve Got This!
We hope that the year 10 parents and carers that joined us last night found the event to be both informative and reassuring. There was a recurring message that as long as students engage and are prepared to make a few sacrifices along the way, they can be very confident of success in a few years’ time. We are grateful to Mrs Millar (English), Mr Thrower (Mathematics) and Dr Hagan (Science), as well as Isaac Fisher, Ellie Knobel and Toby Ball (all in year 12), for giving up their evening as well.
Trips and Visits
You will be aware that CNS offers a superb range of after school clubs and trips and visits to enrich your children’s education. For example, already this year the Geography Department has run field trips to Swanage and Birmingham, whereas the Art Department have taken students to The Pitt Rivers Museum and they flew back from Florence on Monday night. My thanks to all those staff who organise and supervise these and all the other trips and visits.
Attendance Matters
There was a great deal of illness last week, as you can see from our figures. We hope everyone is feeling better very soon.
Mon 2 to Thu 4 Oct 2023 | |
Whole school | 92.8% (↓0.1%) |
Year 7 | 93.8% (↓3.2%) |
Year 8 | 89.4% (↓4.6%) |
Year 9 | 88.3% (↓2.0%) |
Year 10 | 88.8% (↓0.3%) |
Year 11 | 91.3% (↓0.3%) |
Year 12 | 95.7% (↓1.2%) |
Year 13 | 94.5% (↓2.4%) |
No. still on 100% | 466 (↓209) |
Skate Park Update
You may recall in a letter to you back in March, that I shared the story of the ambition of some of our students to create a skate park in the town. You may be aware of a recent update in the September edition of the Chipping Norton News which referred to a proposed location at the New Street Recreation Ground. The Town Council is now taking advice from Skateboard UK, with a view to providing a facility for all ages and abilities. Joe, Isaac and Joe have asked me to share this link with you to find out more and to get involved.
River Learning Trust Trustee Recruitment
The River Learning Trust Board is looking for new members. We would like to hear from anyone who would like to contribute their skills, experience and time to the strategic leadership of the Trust and make a difference to the lives of our children and young people. We are looking in particular for people with expertise in finance, the education sector, safeguarding and SEND. More information on this voluntary role can be found here.
And finally…
You will be aware that Wednesday 18 October will be the final day of term for all students. We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable half term and will look forward to welcoming all students back on Monday 30 October.
Have a lovely weekend!
Yours faithfully
Barry Doherty