Dear Parents and Carers
Inspiration Awards
On the last day of term (see below), we shall be presenting a wide range of students with awards to celebrate and publically recognise all forms of success. One small part of those celebrations will be the presentation of inspiration awards. Last year, this was won by Emma Church for her highly successful campaign to draw attention to the difficulties created by traditional face coverings for deaf people of all ages. In this final week of term, I wish to share some of the stories of those students who have won the award this year.
Inspiration Award – Curiosity
Anton submitted an essay into a national competition. As we await the outcome, his essay has ‘done the rounds’ amongst staff and we have all been taken aback by how he has answered the question, “Why I love science.” His passion for science, mixed with a simple desire to know more and more, is inspirational. One part of his essay includes this line: “Everything from the first caveman bashing two rocks together, to the person who made the first computer, has led to this moment of me writing this essay.” We shall present Anton with a hardback copy of Bill Bryson’s A Short History of Nearly Everything as a pre-Christmas gift.
Inspiration Award – Courage
Lewis is a good all-rounder and incredibly committed sportsperson, but in recent months has discovered a natural ability in rugby. His fearless performances (and tries) against Marlborough and Sibford schools, brought out the pride and excitement of his coach, Mr Robinson, but also his teammates who were stunned by his courageous style and evident potential. With the schools’ rugby season about to close, we have ensured that he has joined Chipping Norton Rugby Club so that his potential and development may be realised and his continued development ensured.
An England rugby top will also be presented to Lewis next week.
Inspiration Award – Compassion
Jessica has been a model student since year 7. In that time, she has grown in confidence, both academically and socially. However, it is her commitment to others, and one student in particular, that leads to so many staff being inspired by her example and a ‘beyond her years’ instinctive knowledge of how to do the right things in the right way. An academically, socially and emotionally gifted student. A token of our appreciation and admiration will also be on its way to Jessica later this week.
Inspiration Award – Creativity
Ivy is now studying A levels in design and art, generating ideas and work that inspires her teachers and students. We know that British graduates have a reputation across the world for their creativity and ingenuity. These are the precise qualities that have led to her nomination and award this week.
House Competitions
Whilst the pandemic interrupted some of the revival of our house system and house competitions, this is now back in full swing with students taking a lead role in delivering assemblies, organising fundraisers and playing a more active leadership role.
For example, this week will see the rugby and hockey house matches in PE lessons, in addition to house competitions (castle model making in history, and an essay completion in philosophy), and a ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ on Friday 17 December, to raise money for Aspire, our local charity of the homeless.
In preparation for January
Thank you for the responses to the request for consent received so far:
- Parents and carers of students in years 7 to 11 are asked to click here to complete the online consent form;
- Sixth Formers are invited to provide their own consent via this link.
And a reminder that students in years 10 to 13 will return on Thursday 6 January. Students in years 7 to 9 will then return on Friday 7 January.
Whilst on the COVID issue, we have been distributing approximately fifty free face coverings each day in the past few weeks. This kind of supply is not sustainable and therefore we ask that you check that you son or daughter has ‘one to use and one to lose’. We need all students to take personal responsibility for their own and others’ safety.
The Final Day of Term
The final day of the autumn term will end at approximately 12:30pm. We shall hold normal lessons until first break and then there will be special celebration assemblies across the school. One of the features of those celebration assemblies will be the presentation of the inspiration awards to the three students in each of our key stages.
Please look out for the next edition of the CNS Newsletter, published and circulated next week. An ideal opportunity to learn more about the Annual Santa Fun Run and many other school related stories.
Unless there is an unforeseen reason, I shall be in touch at the start of 2022, just ahead of the new term. Until then have a wonderful rest, holiday and time with family and friends. Your support, encouragement and understanding has fuelled colleagues’ energy levels throughout another eventful year. But it is soon time for us all to recharge and go again next year.
Have a great weekend and a wonderful holiday, when it arrives.
Yours faithfully
Barry Doherty