Dear Parents and Carers
As you would expect, we all paused for a moment of silent reflection at 11am this morning. The continued invasion of Ukraine was utmost in our minds, as we considered the terrible impact of war and violence, both today and throughout history.
Sixth Form Open Evening – Last Night!
For the first time, we invited our year 10s to a very busy sixth form open evening. We did this because we know that students are more likely to be motivated when they have a clear picture of where they want to be in the years to come. The turn-out was superb, including many from other schools, who were again attracted by the reputation we have for high standards of teaching, learning, behaviour and pastoral care, but also our outstanding examination results.
Sixth Form Survey
Thank you to all those who kindly completed the survey in recent weeks. A wider team will look at the data very carefully and it will help inform decision-making in the coming months and years. It was very clear that you are very confident in the standards in our sixth form and that the main reasons some families and children plan to leave at the end of year 11 is because they wish to follow a more vocational pathway at college. Obviously, we will not be able to compete with the amazing facilities on offer at nearby colleges to deliver such courses, but your feedback will be helpful in deciding how we might seek to add new subjects or courses in future years if the numbers interested are sufficiently high.
As you might imagine, funding of all public services and state schools will be very tight for the foreseeable future. However, this will not prevent us from seeking to be ambitious if we can expand the number of students in our sixth form in the coming years.
Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviours
It was my turn to deliver the whole school assembly on Monday and, therefore, the reading and oracy activities throughout tutor time this week. My chosen topic sought to draw attention to what happens inside our hearts and minds and how that influences our behaviours. The wider message is a recurring theme we value at CNS. It is a message that says we must all seek freedom in our lives; freedom to choose carers and destinations, but also freedom from unhelpful thoughts that affect our feelings, behaviour and happiness.
Admissions Consultation
I am required to remind families that we are midway through an admissions consultation and refer you to both our website and this online form before 12 December 2022.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Yours faithfully
Barry Doherty