On the back of last year’s stellar results, we are now celebrating the second-best results in the school’s history. We are pleased to share the news that English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Languages continue to celebrate another set of outstanding results, and that students of Design & Technology, Textiles, Business Studies, Music and Drama are also celebrating exceptional results this year as well. A special mention is also deserved for Health and Social Care, whose students were awarded superb BTEC results!
In summary:
- Almost 90% secured grades 4 to 9 in English and in Maths
- Close to three quarters of students secured two or more grades 4 to 9 in the three Science subjects
- Well over one in three of all English and Maths results continue to be grades 7 to 9
- Girls and boys continue to be equally likely to secure high levels of attainment and progress
- At least 85% of students also secured grades 4 to 9 in the following subjects: Art, Design & Technology, Drama, English, French, Geography, German, Maths, Music, RE and Textiles .