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Transport and Buses

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Can the school minibus be used to transport children?

Yes. But only when all passengers and the driver wears a face covering and if all students belong to the same year group.

Headteacher’s Letter 8 March 2024

Dear Parents and Carers Welcome back for another round- up of news and updates, ahead of what I hope will be a very relaxing day for some on Mother’s Day! Spare Seat Scheme on School Buses I am aware that a number of families (with children on the CN09, CN06, …

Headteacher’s letter August 23rd 2021

Monday 23 August 2021 Dear Parents and Carers It has been a busy morning here at CNS, as we embark on the first day of our new summer school. Over 120 of our new year 7s are with us this week. We have lots planned to make their work memorable …

Headteacher’s letter May 14th 2021

Dear Parents and Carers I hope that this letter finds you and your family well. This week, I provide confirmation on face coverings but also wish to share some thoughts about the future. COVID-19 Update on Face Coverings The Prime Minister’s announcement last Monday evening means that from Monday 17 …

Will school buses be available as normal?

All school routes and timetables will run as they did prior to the lockdown with no reduced capacity due to social distancing. Students will occupy the same seats each day and sit in year group bubbles. In the afternoon, students will be escorted on to their school buses one year …

What advice is given to those students and members of staff with asthma?

Staff and pupils should continue to manage their asthma in their usual way as well as observing all the other Covid-19 precautionary advice. This includes a requirement that all Asthma sufferers have their inhaler available at all times and particular attention paid to the stringent application of the 2-metre social …

Headteacher’s letter 26th 2021

Dear Parents and Carers My letter to you this week is largely devoted to outlining the arrangements for the reopening of our school from Monday 8 March 2021. Before I get to that topic a few words on yesterday’s news. Awarding of GCSE, BTEC and A level Grades in 2021 …

Headteacher’s letter 31 December 2020

Dear Parents and Carers A Phased Start to the Spring Term Please forgive me for writing to you on New Year’s Eve. Following yesterday’s announcement by the Department for Education, I am now in a position to set out how the spring term will commence. Monday 4 January & Tuesday …

Headteacher’s Letter 16 November 2020

Dear Parents and Carers RE: COVID-19 UPDATES Well, we continue to live in very interesting times and the past few weeks have, of course, been no different. From US presidential elections to the cancellation of examinations in Wales, there has been plenty to talk about, as well as the good …

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