Dear Parents and Carers
You may be glad to discover a very short end of term letter from me that wishes you and your family a restful and enjoyable break.
I am very mindful of our year 11 and 13 students and know they will have to balance the need for rest, play and hard work over the next sixteen days. Good luck to all year 11s and 13s at this time – how students revise at Easter (and the nine days of Whitsun) often determines who does well and who does really well. I am pleased so many parents and carers of year 11 students have welcomed the clear, step-by-step guidance given by their teachers so that they avoid feeling overwhelmed.
I also wanted to finish with another thank you. This time to Mr Brown (Head of Music) for leading our first public music concert in just over two years! On Monday 4 April, our students performed at St. Mary’s primary school, with help from Ms Johnston, Mrs Faulkner, Mrs Brocklebank, Ms Richmond and Mrs Woolridge. A fuller insight will appear in a future edition of the CNS newsletter.
Do have a great few weeks and hopefully some weather to reward the incredibly hard work of students and colleague in the past 14 weeks since Christmas.
Yours faithfully
Barry Doherty